
Energy & Commitment

Published: 1/8

Dear Affiliates,

I trust you had a wonderful holiday and are now entering this new year of 2019 with vision, energy and commitment. I am grateful for ZENNOA and all that it represents including the opportunity to work with such good people all over the world. I am really looking forward to a great year and hold a tremendously optimistic outlook for our future.

Over the weekend we were successful in launching our new back-office which was programed specific to our new Rewards Plan.  We own this new back-office and have a unique—never in our industry—pay plan that makes it so easy to predict your earnings. These two important milestones, the new ZENNOA Rewards Plan and Back Office, solidify the foundational pieces of the Zennoa offering as we start 2019.

We also begin this year with Bill Heriford as a member of our ZENNOA family. Bill has proven himself time and again with multiple decades of building businesses and we celebrate his choosing ZENNOA as his home. If you haven’t already, I hope you have the opportunity of meeting him soon.

In the coming days we will be announcing the openings of new warehouses in Singapore, Bolivia, Netherlands and Poland. I also look forward to attending Japan’s annual kickoff meeting later this month. There is so much to talk about with all this opportunity in our wings. Everything’s coming together – Let’s MAKE it a great year!



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