
GoPro 5 Key Takeaways

Published: 2/19

5 Takeaways from GO PRO All Affiliates Can Benefit From

Struggling to make ends meet, Eric Worre attended a company convention that opened his eyes to a new way of life. The decision to Go Pro and pursue a career as a Network Marketing Expert shaped his life and brought him a great deal of success.

Through his career, he has acquired skills and talents that have aided him in his journey. At the same time, Eric has become associated with hundreds of thousands of people who have shown him wisdom and guidance that has ultimately molded him and his business into who he is today. Today, he wants to share with you this valuable insight and knowledge through 7 steps that have been key contributors to his expertise. These steps will inspire you to Go Pro and chase after the life you have always dreamed of.

  1. Finding Prospects: This tool will start you off in the direction you need to go. As a professional finding prospects consists of writing down the names of everyone you know. Then, write down the names of everyone they know. Once you have established this goal, decide to add 1-2 names to that list a day. Remember to always keep your recruitment goals in mind while networking.
  2. Inviting: Think like a farmer rather than a hunter. Cultivate trust and relationships with prospects. Seek to educate the prospect rather than selling to them. Tips that professionals use during an invite: compliment prospect, invite them to try, commit them, schedule a follow-up.
  3. Present Your Product: Tell your story by creating a presentation that captivates. Explain what was wrong before the product, explain how the product rescued you, share how you feel now and what the results have been.
  4. Follow-Up: It takes an average of 4-6 exposures for a person to join so, be patient but, persistent. Some people won’t believe enough in themselves or in network marketing. Be empathetic and think about them as an individual.
  5. Sign’Em Up: Assume that they will eventually join and be prepared for when they do. Be there for them and be available to help.

Mentioned above are five of the seven steps to becoming a Network Marketing professional. These steps are so valuable that businesses pay thousands of dollars to learn Eric’s methods and secrets. Explaining why he never wrote a book before, he says, “The reason why is I never could really get my brain around offering the information that I knew and my experience for $12”. The tips and tricks in this book will improve your ability to network market and elevate your life. He says, “they are getting the best value of any $12 they will ever spend in their lifetime”. Purchase Go Pro to learn how to become a professional and accelerate your path to success.

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