
Top 10 Benefits of Omega Essential Fatty Acids

Published: 6/18

Science-Based evidence shows that Omega-3 Fatty Acids are an essential part of a healthy diet. Delivering powerful health benefits, these nutrients are necessary to everyday health.
Here’s a list of the top 10 benefits that Omega Fatty Acids, which are found in our Core Care product, deliver.

  1. Ward off Depression and Anxiety – Studies show that people that consume omega-3s regularly may experience less depression and anxiety. There are three essential types of omega-3 fatty acids: ALA, DHA and EPA. Of these, EPA appears to help ward off depression the most.
  2. Improve Eye Health – DHA is a significant structural component found in the brain and retinas. When you lack a diet in DHA, you may experience vision problems. Studies show that omega-3 may be linked to a reduced risk of developing macular degeneration.
  3. DHA is Recommended During Pregnancy – OBGYN and fertility experts agree that getting enough omega-3s during pregnancy and early childhood is essential for brain growth and development.
  4. Improve Risk Factors for Heart Disease – Years ago, researchers found that communities that eat high amounts of fish and omega-3s had lower rates of heart disease. Later, this was only found to be partially due to the consumption of omega-3s. However, omega-3s may help lower:
    1. Triglycerides
    2. Blood Pressure
    3. HDL-Cholesterol
    4. Blood Clots
    5. Plaque
    6. Inflammation
  5. Can Fight Inflammation – Inflammation is important. We need it to help fight off infections, which then repairs damage to our bodies. However, sometimes inflammation can exist without an injury or infection, which is known as chronic inflammation. This type of long-term inflammation can contribute to many diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. However, some studies indicate a link between higher omega-3 intake and reduced levels of inflammation.
  6. Reduced Risk of Autoimmune Diseases – Autoimmune disorders encompass a wide range of diseases, including Type 1 diabetes. Studies show that children that get enough omega-3s during their first year may have a lower rate of developing autoimmune disorders, including diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
  7. Decreased Age-Related Mental Decline – As we age, our brain function decreases. Several studies show that higher omega-3 intake links directly to a decrease in age-related mental decline, which can also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  8. May Help Prevent Cancer – One of the leading causes of death in the Western world is cancer. Some studies show that people that regularly consume omega-3s have a 55% lower risk of developing colon cancer. (View the government study here.)
  9. Can Reduce Liver Fat – A chronic liver disease is associated with obesity. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements may help reduce liver fat and inflammation, which can be beneficial to people suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  10. May Improve Joint and Bone Health – Arthritis and osteoporosis are two common skeletal system disorders. Studies show that omega-3s can help increase the amount of the calcium in your bones. Additionally, people taking these supplements also report increased grip strength and reduced joint pain.

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